The BSD mascot drawed by Tatsumi Hosokawa
  Chuck's corner (site title)

  Who's that Chuck? [FR]

  Computer forensics [FR]
  Virtual-to-Remote Physical [FR]
  Promethee, educ. intranet [FR]
  Frenzy, live mini CD [FR]
  Open/Closed source sec. [FR]
  Installing FreeBSD 5 [FR]
  Powered by Unknown! [FR]

  Work in progress:
  Fingerprints analyzers [FR]

  Ports [FR]
  HeV project

  BSD sites in french [FR]
  BSD systems list [FR]
  Projects of the month [FR]

  with Google's logo

  on this site:
  on BSD contents:

Welcome on!

This site is dedicated to the publication of contents related to the FreeBSD operating system, open source software in general and IT security.

Almost all of these contents are currently only available in french (when labeled with [FR]) and, lacking free time, we don't plan to translate them. However, we would welcome volunteers for translations!

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If your last visit is older than one month, you can access the complete list of modifications [FR].

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